Rare Breed Salame Aquila (minimum weight 340g)
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The pigs are Nero d’Abruzzo, with a thick layer of creamy fat which is full of omega 3 fatty acids from so much foraging that is perfect for making salumi. Their range is made with no preservatives other than salt and seasoned with Montepulciano d’Abruzzo wine.
Using the same ingredients as Salame Nobile but more finely minced. This is a traditional Abruzzese salame that was typically aged between 2 pieces of wood to expel any air and still keeps this flattened shape.
Made in Abruzzo. This salami will arrive wrapped in paper. Store in the fridge and eat within 2 weeks.
INGREDIENTS Rare breed pork, salt and seasonings
We send out online orders once a month on the last Wednesday of each month.