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Luigi di Lello, Abruzzo. Ventricina and Salsicce del Vastese

Luigi di Lello Scerni, Chieti

Luigi di Lello is a man with a passion, dedicated to retaining the culinary traditions of southeastern Abruzzo. His farm, Fattorie del Tratturo is named after the 100m wide track, the Tratturo, that led shepherds on the transhumanza, the annual migrations of thousands of sheep from the mountains through Abruzzo down to the plains of Puglia. Luigi remembers the transhumanza passing in front of the family farm and how shepherds would barter sheep, wool and milk in exchange for shelter, wheat and salami. Their salami was ventricina, a rugby ball shaped mix of fennel, sweet and spicy peperoncino, pork and salt named after the sheep’s stomach that it was aged in. Using local, free range pork Luigi and his brother still make ventricina as well as traditional liver and wild boar salami. They also have a small holding where they grow  our organic farro, cannellini and borlotti beans 

  • Ventricina Salami (3 sizes)

    from £11.50
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  • Organic Dried Borlotti Beans (500g)

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    Like a lot of Italians, Luigi and his brother have a small holding which they run alongside their main business of making our fabulous ventricina a...

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