Jean-François Nouqueret, French Pyrenees. Brebis

Lescun, French Pyrenees
Jean-Francois Nouqueret and his wife Marie Helene keep 160 Basco Béarnaise sheep above Lescun, a tiny village 900ms up in the french Pyrenees. Between December to April they make cheese in the small village dairy and the sheep spend most of the time in a barn. Every day, however, Jean-François takes them outside (even when it's snowing) to keep them happy until the day in April when they can move outside to graze the lush mountain pastures around the village. Now Jean François and Marie Helene move from the village to their farmhouse where they have nothing but a simple camping gas burner to heat the milk and make about 30 wheels cheese a week. His octogenarian father still looks after the land and his mother sells the cheese from their one point of sale - apart from us - her front door. From July to September the annual transhumance sees Jean-François take the flock even higher up into the mountains where they enjoy the rich pasture while grass lower down can be cut for hay.
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