Luciana and Morgan Pasqual, Veneto. Giardiniera
Morgan Pasqual was a chef with a restaurant, The 5 Sensi, near Vicenza. Like restaurants all over the country he served an antipasto of local salumi with giardiniera pickles. These sweet and sour, agrodolce pickles make the perfect complement to salumi or cheese – the brightness and acidity really cuts through fat – and at the 5 Sensi the reputation of Morgan’s pickles grew so much that in 2013 he took the big step of closing the restaurant to develop La Giardiniera di Morgan, a pickling kitchen, with his wife Luciana
It’s not an easy thing to make good Giardiniera; keeping the crunch (the vegetables are steamed) and the fresh flavour of the vegetables, ensuring the right level of acidity is really hard so we are really happy to be working with Morgan and Luciana; the best salumi and cheese needs the best giardiniera di accompany it. It feels like a good fit
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